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Anger Management

[ANGeR ManaGeMENT ------>>

I chose to be unique and particular with how I presented my composition about Anger Management. This is the creative aspect of writing a [blog] because my work can be different without worrying about rebuke, judgment, stereotyping, or stigma. I feel I am well educated about these negative elements; therefore, I can say, "sticks and stones..." to this I usually would not dignify their rudimentary behavior with a response only if I can make them feel feeble, momentarily--right or wrong it is my inclination

The philosopher Descartes once said, "I think; therefore, I am." This may be analyzed and interpreted to mean various things. I do think (sometimes too much) and I do exist. One of my mentors I hav corresponded with over the last decade works as a Professor at Liberty University. My first [impression] was that our personalities are not compatible. As time continued, his expectations were high and I eventually began constructively refuting what I observed was his nonsense. As history writes, he is one of the few professors I had ever spoken to by telephone. This man was retired from the United States Marine Corp and the Central Intelligence Agency. He had a wit about him that seemed natural yet based upon years of academics and real-life experience. He challenged me to do more; to persevere; and challenge my limits. He had a philosophy that captivated me--he had my attention. to the point, his attitude and critique of me and my work had me feeling infuriated.

Please excuse the small rabbit-trail of writing because this man--this college professor had a natural ability to irritate me--to this day I reckon it was the advanced intelligence operative that was his niche.

Insofar, I have had my emotions manipulated over time--I knew I could not expect people to know, "Erik is not feeling well; Erik is mad," but it was a natural function of mine, hey, don't they know perhaps don't care...!" My view is I expect people to be observant (especially those in the medical field) and offer confirmation, empathy, and perhaps a few minutes of their time with a [genuine] concern.

To me, Anger Management is a chore: I feel I have to be conscientious about my anger daily or it will quell me, or it will put me down (literally, realistically, metaphorically, all the above). For me, anger can go from 0-60 minutes instantaneously. The first time was a shocking experience but the times thereafter have scared me speechless. One cannot help think will I die? Can this cause an aneurysm? This may cause a stroke! I knew this feeling was not normal. Indeed, you ask, "what did you do Erik?" I did nothing--I did not act to seek professional guidance only to work to maintain any underlying to myself. I can express one thing for sure, no one asks to experience anger. The worst part is feeling impulsive. I define impulsive as a quick and instantaneous action or response that is difficult if not impossible to control. Impulsive behaviors may be risky, careless, reckless, and involving different behaviors. I don't think people understand the complexities of impulsive behaviors.

Personally, I can express my [Anger ---> as quickly escalating to the point I feel I can spit nails and throw cars. To an extent, I feel invincible; that is, shoot me with a Taser Gun and I can remove the probes without a problem--I postulate an exponential adrenaline overload. Anyone may think it is a real task to express this in a blog and you are correct. I am confident I am not the only one who experiences Anger so perhaps this will assist help people to better understand themselves and realize we can practice wellness activities to help ourselves feel better. Anger Management is a wellness practice to enable oneself to feel better through identifying emotions and learning Wellness Tools and Actions Plans to succumb and redirect those compressing if not compounding emotions. Example 1: I feel irritable because the loud noises are bothering me! A) Wellness Tool: Use Ear Plugs; Walk Away; Use an Exit Plan to recompose self. B )Action Plan: Act on these wellness tools to learn what is working for you. Example 2: I feel angry because I have been disrespected! A) Wellness Tool: Breathing Techniques; Take Time to reflect (24 hours) B) Action Plan: Contact Person(s) about the problem to assert and work on active- listening skills. Example 3: I am pissed to no end, I will retaliate to make person suffer! A) Wellness Tool: Take Self Reflection Time with or without people B Action Plan: Use good quality communication to address problem when calm To reiterate, Anger is a normal emotion but there are times when it can become a concern affecting one's health negatively. It is important to know when it is a concern and at best write your thoughts and if able to share them with a trusted support. EW Disclaimer: Blog posts reflect the opinions and experiences of the specific blogger and do not reflect the views or beliefs of Peerstar, LLC as an organization.

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